Open your Campi di Fragole® shop
partnership info
If you become partner of Campi di Fragole® you can realize your own artisanal high quality production, allowing you to create a product that is different from that of other competitors for exclusivity and image in your selected area. Campi di Fragole® at tha same time offers its professional assistance for the start up and managing of the new shop: the main commitment is to share and to respect the standard quality of the Campi di Fragole® brand and the identity of the product and its sale style. The partner will receive the instruments to develop a real selling network, with solutions that have been studied and experimented by Campi di Fragole® over the years.
What you need:
Production worksohp and Selling pointShop dimension (indicative) : about 50 mq, divided in:
- 20 mq for the workshop
- 20 mq for the selling point
- 5 mq for the store, 5 mq toilet, possibly an external area (square, garden) with tables and chairs
- Main roads but also suburban areas, with facilities, commercial centres etc..
- Easily accessible areas and parking areas around.
What we supply you with:
- Machinery and laboratory equipment - exclusively made in Italy equipment: blender, pasteurising machine, blast chiller, refrigerator, freezer: different options are possible for the purchase of the equipment.
- Raw materials - All raw materials necessary for the production, excluding fresh products like milk and fruit.
- Style and Image - packaging (cones, cups, etc.), signs, brand, furniture.
- Flavours - The opportunity to experiment our "Taste workshop", and contributing to the development and improvement of the product.
Campi di Fragole® helps yu with:
- Finding the right place for your selling point, providing you with functional furniture and respecting the architectural features and identity of the brand.
- Setting up your selling point by choosing the necessary and adequate equipment and machinery.
- Choosing the right machinery for theproduction, depending on the selling target and possible investments for future selling points.
- Choosing and selecting the "fresh" products, with short supply chain, that contributes to the final quality of the product.
Furhter opportunity of profit:
- Opening of new selling points.
- Opportunity of centralising the production and supplying other selling points.
Giovanni Occhialini / Michele Santini / Diego Pugliè
Campi di Fragole®
If you are interested ... Contact us!
Tel. +39 335.6148192 • Tel. +39 349.5356749